We originally began as a cattery dedicated to working on bringing back the ‘all-but-lost’ recessive and dilute colors in the Ragdoll Breed, with good practices and genetics always in mind. Our breeding goal was to provide Ragdolls in lilac and chocolate, which were in the lines all along, but not cultivated. When breeding, we keep the highest quality of lines in mind. We make sure to use all SBT registered Ragdolls. (Cats that have not been outcrossed with other cat breeds, at least, for us, not in the last five generations). We have extensively researched feline and mendelian genetics, but always place health, temperament, and overall elegance of the Ragdoll breed at the forefront. Over time our vision was mainly realized, and we began to expand our vision to include offering Ragdolls in a rainbow of other colors.

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